For quite some time the South Australian government has been talking about making changes to the filing fees for applications for grants of probate and grants of letters of administration so thatRead More…
Family provision claims against estates
This is part 3 of what is to be a series about different types of potential claims against estates (see Part 1: Contesting a will or estate). Family provision claims (also knownRead More…
Advance care directives (ACDs)
Often when you see a lawyer about drawing up a Will, you will also be asked whether you would like to have an Enduring Power of Attorney and an Advance Care DirectiveRead More…
Contesting the validity of a will
In this post I will briefly discuss disputes about whether a will is valid, as opposed to other types of estate disputes that may involve contesting the effect of a will. ContestingRead More…
Contesting a will or estate
Disputes about deceased estates are very common. Most people will know or have heard of someone who has had to bring or defend a claim. There are many different types of claimRead More…
Subject to finance
There have been two South Australian cases that have caught my eye in the last year about subject to finance conditions for contracts for the sale and purchase of land. The firstRead More…
1 July 2015 fees
This page is now out of date. Please see here for an updated version Set out below is a quick summary for the new financial year’s filing and search fees for variousRead More…
2015 SA Budget stamp duty changes
The proposed South Australian budget contains a number of big changes to stamp duty and at first glance they look like they may be of significant impact, at least for businesses. StampRead More…
Probate Rule changes
The rules governing applications for grants of probate and letters of administration in South Australia are changing from 1 July 2015. An advance copy of the rules is available from the CourtsRead More…
Mediation and some of its limitations
Mediation is an incredibly important tool in resolving legal disputes. For those unfamiliar with the concept, mediation involves an independent person (the mediator) attempting to assist the parties to negotiate a resolutionRead More…